Publish an xrp-ledger.toml File

You will need:

Step 1: Craft the xrp-ledger.toml file

The file should follow the XLS-26 Standard . Below is an example.

						address = "rCSCManTZ8ME9EoLrSHHYKW8PPwWMgkwr"
						name = "CasinoCoin"

						issuer = "rCSCManTZ8ME9EoLrSHHYKW8PPwWMgkwr"
						currency = "CSC"
						name = "CasinoCoin"
						desc = "CasinoCoin (CSC) is a digital currency, developed specifically for the regulated gaming industry."
						icon = ""

						url = ""
						type = "website"
						title = "Official Website"

						url = ""
						type = "website"
						title = "Token Info Dashboard"

						url = ""
						type = "socialmedia"
Step 2: Upload the xrp-ledger.toml file

Place the file on your webserver so that it is available at the following URL:


The {DOMAIN} is your domain name, including any subdomains. For example, you could serve the file from either of the following URLs:
Step 3: Set the Domain field on the issuing account

To link your domain and the .toml file to your token's issuing account, its Domain field has to point to your domain. This can be done using the AccountSet transaction on the ledger. Below is a snippet how this transaction should look like.

						"TransactionType": "AccountSet",
						"Account" : "ISSUING_ADDRESS_HERE",

For your convenience, you can use one of the following apps to set the domain field:

What happens then

Once your domain field is set, the XRPL Meta Servers will scrape your xrp-ledger.toml file within the next 10 minutes and update your token's data.